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I don't understand our relationship

I don't understand our relationship.
Sometimes we're friends, sometimes we're more then friends
and sometimes I'm just a stranger to you..!!

A real boy knows how to value a relationship

A real boy knows how
to value a relationship :)
No matter how many
girl come, he doesn't
care... ♥
Because for him...
His girl is the best |

She: I'm fat :(
He: No, you are not.
She: Everybody ask me to lose my
He: They are jealous.
She: You dont know anything :(
He: I know you more than they do,
they are blind.
She: I think you are, not them. -_-
He: Babe, I have seen you dressed
super nice, I've seen you in school
uniform, I've seen you with sweat
pants, hair tied, chilling with no
makeup on, I've seen you cry, smile,
laugh, mad, I've seen you sleeping,
wide, hyper, awake, mellow.. You are
always so beautiful to me, always
perfect..and you say I dont see you
She: *Hugs* I Love U.
He: I Love U more ♥...

No one deserves to be told that by someone they love

Girl: I have to tell you something…
Girl: I really like you. And I… I think
I’m falling in love with you.
Boy: OK
Girl: What do you mean “ OK”?
Boy: I don’t like you like that…
Girl: Why not?
Boy: I can’t tell you… may be another
From then on, the girl kept asking the
boy “Why not?” whenever she saw him,
and he kept answering the same
answer of.....
“I’ll tell you later.
” Finally the girl got fed up.
Girl: I’m tired of this! Tell me why you
don’t like me!
Boy: Do you really wanna know why?
Girl: Yes!
Boy: It’s because you’re ugly!What’s the
point of going out with someone when
they’re not pretty?!
Girl: But… I…
Boy: Just shut up and leave me alone!
"The boy leaves and the girl is sitting
there alone,crying her heart out.
Then her cell phone rings.."
Girl: Hello?
Mom: Sweetheart♥ I want you to go
home, ok? I’ll be home from work in a
few hours..
Girl: Alright Mom.
Mom: I love you.
Girl: I love you too, Mom.
Mom: Bye Bye.
Girl: Bye
"The girl heads home and once she
got there, she went in the bathroom
looked at herself in the mirror.."
Girl: I’m not pretty enough…
"She set to work, knowing fully well
what she was going to do.
2 hours later, Her Mom came home
and heard the bath water running. She
upstairs to find the hallway flooded so
she knocked on the door.."
Mom: Honey? Are you alright?
"She opened the door and was
shocked at the site.. The bath was
overflowing onto the floor, and the
water was tinted red. She walked over
to see what was inside and screamed.
There, her little girl was lying with cuts
all over
her face and wrists. Her Mom backed
away and was going to run to call the
police when something caught-her eye.
On the mirror, am I pretty enough
A Lesson--- No one deserves to be told
that by someone they love. If you find it
messed up then forward this to
everyone you know. A person’s
appearance doesn't count. What
counts is their heart inside of them...!! 

Very touchy story

Very touchy story: Girl: I'm having my operation now I love you. The Girl lays on operation bed. Boy stands there with watery eyes without saying I love you too. Girl finishes heart transplant, the Boy is gone. Girl: Nurse where is he? Nurse says: They didn't tell you who's heart they gave you, did they? Nurse hands the Girl a note Girls reads note ''I told you it was yours'' ?

A guy is possessive for his girl.... on two conditions...

A guy is possessive for his girl.... on two
conditions... ♥
*May be he loves her so much that he
can't even
see her with anyone except himself... ♥
*Or may be..he doesn't trust her and their
much and fears that she might walk away
someone else better than him... ♥
Don't get angry if ur guy/girl gets
possessive bcoz
its just a way to show their love :)
A flirt would never mind how many guys/
girls u
date....but a love would.. :)
So believe in urselves and ur relations for
beautiful life.. :) Bcoz compromises frm
sides makes the relation perfect :) ♥ ♥
Agree, Then Hit Like And share with ur
one :-) ♥

Reading old messages

♥ ♥ "Reading old messages and realizing
how much you actually miss that
person !!" ♥ ♥